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Link a card

You can link a card you’ve created to your customer through either the card’s ID or the card PAN.

To link a card to a customer through the card’s ID, you should include the ID in the url. This request should be to Allawee's secure endpoint(Linking a card using the ID does not require you to use the secure url).

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"reference": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string",
"customer": "string",
"fundingSource": {},
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedChannels": [
"blockedChannels": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"metadata": {}
Request Body parameterRequired?Description
referenceNoA unique reference.
cardHolderNameNoThe name of the card holder.
customerYesThe ID of the customer you wish to link to the card.
fundingSourceNoThe hash for the conversion. This is only necessary when the debit source and the card have different currencies.
controlsNoWhile controls isn’t a required field, if present, it should include allowedChannels, blockedChannels, and spendingLimits.
metadataNoThis is an object you can use to attach any data of your choice to the card link.

You can also link your cards to your customers through the card PAN. This request should be to Allawee's secure endpoint.

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"reference": "string",
"pan": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string",
"customer": "string",
"fundingSource": {},
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedChannels": [
"blockedChannels": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"depositChannels": [
"metadata": {}

The request schema is similar to linking a card by ID, with the addition of two values.

Request Body parameterRequired?Description
panYesThe PAN for the card you want to link to the customer.
Sample Success Response
"code": "success",
"data": {
"type": "physical",
"status": "inactive",
"currency": "NGN",
"program": "cp.2tY3gamDwgZfxnKHS",
"details": {
"last4": "5450",
"expiry": "03/26",
"cardHolderName": "Oliver C Johnson"
"createdAt": "2023-03-17T01:33:57.272Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-27T17:25:36.684Z",
"controls": {
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"spendingLimits": [
"amount": 1000,
"interval": "monthly"
"customer": "cus.2tbTQRurrFsGFYvXc",
"fundingSource": "ac.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"metadata": {
"name": "travel card"
"reference": "1234569",
"id": "c.2tY4QGaWAb6CyEfhE",
"object": "card"