Link a card
You can link a card you’ve created to your customer through either the card’s ID or the card PAN.
To link a card to a customer through the card’s ID, you should include the ID in the url. This request should be to Allawee's secure endpoint(Linking a card using the ID does not require you to use the secure url).
Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"reference": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string",
"customer": "string",
"fundingSource": {},
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedChannels": [
"blockedChannels": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"metadata": {}
Request Body parameter | Required? | Description |
reference | No | A unique reference. |
cardHolderName | No | The name of the card holder. |
customer | Yes | The ID of the customer you wish to link to the card. |
fundingSource | No | The hash for the conversion. This is only necessary when the debit source and the card have different currencies. |
controls | No | While controls isn’t a required field, if present, it should include allowedChannels , blockedChannels , and spendingLimits . |
metadata | No | This is an object you can use to attach any data of your choice to the card link. |
You can also link your cards to your customers through the card PAN. This request should be to Allawee's secure endpoint.
Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"reference": "string",
"pan": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string",
"customer": "string",
"fundingSource": {},
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedChannels": [
"blockedChannels": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"depositChannels": [
"metadata": {}
The request schema is similar to linking a card by ID, with the addition of two values.
Request Body parameter | Required? | Description |
pan | Yes | The PAN for the card you want to link to the customer. |
Sample Success Response
"code": "success",
"data": {
"type": "physical",
"status": "inactive",
"currency": "NGN",
"program": "cp.2tY3gamDwgZfxnKHS",
"details": {
"last4": "5450",
"expiry": "03/26",
"cardHolderName": "Oliver C Johnson"
"createdAt": "2023-03-17T01:33:57.272Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-27T17:25:36.684Z",
"controls": {
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"spendingLimits": [
"amount": 1000,
"interval": "monthly"
"customer": "cus.2tbTQRurrFsGFYvXc",
"fundingSource": "ac.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"metadata": {
"name": "travel card"
"reference": "1234569",
"id": "c.2tY4QGaWAb6CyEfhE",
"object": "card"