📄️ Bank Tools
The bank tools let you work with banks and account numbers. You can get all banks you can make payments to, get the likely bank an account number belongs to, and resolve an account number and bank code combination.
📄️ FX Tools
You can use the FX tools to work with foreign exchange.
📄️ Configuration Tools
You can use the configuration tools endpoints to set payment configurations that apply as defaults to all your requests. Payment configurations you can set include your pay-in account, your pay-out account, and your fees for bank transfers and bill payments.
📄️ Merchant Tools
You can use the merchant tools to get all merchants, get available merchant categories, and get one merchant by their ID.
📄️ Bill Tools
You can use the bills tools endpoint to get bill categories, get all bill products, and get one bill product.
📄️ Categories
You can get all merchants categories by calling an endpoint like so: