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Create a card

You can issue a card through the Allawee API with the create card endpoint. When you create a card, you can set controls on the cards. The categories determine when the card can be charged, through merchant categories, merchant MCCs, payment channels, and spending limits.

Create a card

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"program": "c.prg.2w2wBSRRjG6y1Ufuj",
"amount": 500,
"reference": "string",
"cardHolderName": "string",
"customer": "cus.2v4ryuthd4SWer",
"debitSource": {},
"fundingSource": {},
"debitCurrency": "NGN",
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"metadata": {}
Request Body parameterRequired?Description
programYesThe ID for the card program you should have created, which the card being created will be placed under.
amountYesThe amount the card should be funded with on initial creation
fxHashYesThe fx hash for foreign currency transactions, which determines the exchange rate
referenceYesA unique reference for the card.
cardHolderNameNoThe name of the person whom the card is being issued to.
customerYesThe ID of the customer whom the card is being issued to.
debitSourceNoThe account to deduct from when creating the card. If this isn't passed and a debit currency is passed, it defaults to your main account with the chosen debit currency.
fundingSourceNoThis determines where payment is pulled from while funding the card.
debitCurrencyNoThe currency you wish to be charged in when creating a card.
controlsNoThis field is an object that represents spending controls placed on the card. While the controls parameter is optional, once included, allowedChannels, blockedChannels, and spendingLimits have to be included in the controls object.
metadataNoThe metadata field can contain any values you want to associate with the card.
Sample Success Response
"code": "success",
"data": {
"type": "virtual",
"network": "mastercard",
"status": "inactive",
"currency": "USD",
"customer": "cus.2tcqxRx4NoiGxnX65",
"program": "c.prg.2u64yGpALXgHbqmjk",
"metadata": {
"name": "Hilda USD card"
"details": {
"cardHolderName": "Bachi Hilda"
"createdAt": "2023-06-24T02:45:52.663Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-06-24T02:45:52.663Z",
"id": "c.2u6SXLG99Kq5a8TQ8",
"object": "card"

Create a virtual card

You can create a naira virtual card like so:

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"program": "c.prg.2w2wBSRRjG6y1Ufuj",
"cardHolderName": "John Doe",
"customer": "cus.2v4ryuthd4SWer",
"debitSource": {},
"fundingSource": {},
"debitCurrency": "NGN",
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"metadata": {}

You can create a virtual dollar card like so:

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"program": "c.prg.2w2wBSRRjG6y1Ufuj",
"cardHolderName": "John Doe",
"customer": "cus.2v4ryuthd4SWer",
"fxHash": "a6454tgrfdcvhhyue64645ref45363jh",
"debitCurrency": "NGN",
"amount": 1000,
"debitSource": {},
"fundingSource": {},
"debitCurrency": "NGN",
"controls": {
"allowedMcc": [
"blockedMcc": [
"allowedCategories": [
"blockedCategories": [
"allowedChannels": [
"blockedChannels": [
"allowedMerchants": [
"blockedMerchants": [
"spendingLimits": [
"metadata": {}