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Creating a card program

Creating a Physical Card programme

Cards you subsequently create will be within a card program. You need to create a card program before you can create physical cards, as you have to assign the physical card to a program at the point of creation.

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"network": "verve",
"type": "physical",
"quantity": 1,
"currency": "NGN",
"distribution": {
"type": "bulked",
"shippingAddress": {
"city": "Yaba",
"state": "NG-LA", //this state should be in ISO-FORMAT
"countryCode": "NG",
"phoneNumber": "+2348123456789",
"addressLineOne": "No 10, Adekunle Close",
"addressLineTwo": "Off Ciroma Rd"
"returnAddress": {
"city": "Yaba",
"state": "NG-LA",
"countryCode": "NG",
"phoneNumber": "+2348123456789",
"addressLineOne": "No 10, Adekunle Close",
"addressLineTwo": "Off Ciroma Rd"
"personalization": {
"frontArtworkFile": "string",
"printCardholderName": true,
"defaultCardholderName": "string"
"authorization": {
"fundingSourceType": "settlement-account",
"settlementAccount": {},
"transactionFee": {},
"webhook": {},
"timeoutDefault": "decline"
Request Body parameterRequired?Description
nameYesA unique name identifier for your card program. It should be a string.
descriptionNoA string description for your card program.
networkYesThe card network for cards within the program. Allawee currently supports issuing verve and mastercard cards.
typeYesThis parameter specifies whether the cards within the program should be virtual or physical cards.
quantityNoThe number of cards that will be within the card program. This is required for creating physical cards.
currencyYesThe currency for the cards within the program. Allawee currently supports issuing NGN and USD cards.
distributionNoThis should be present for physical cards and determines the delivery and return addresses for cards within the program. It is an object that should have a type, shippingAddress, and returnAddress. The type may be individually, for cards that should be delivered to separate addresses, and bulked, for cards that should be delivered together.
personalizationNoThis should be present for physical cards. It determines the artwork on the card and whether the card holder’s name should be on the card.
authorizationNoThis should be present for physical cards. The authorization parameter determines important information such as the card’s funding source, which may be card-account or settlement-account. It also determines the authorization timeout default action which may be approve or decline.
Sample Success Response
"code": "success",
"data": {
"name": "Card program",
"network": "verve",
"quantity": 1,
"currency": "NGN",
"personalization": {
"frontArtworkFile": "",
"printCardholderName": false,
"defaultCardholderName": "Ciroma"
"distribution": {
"type": "bulked",
"shippingAddress": {
"city": "yaba",
"state": "NG-LA",
"countryCode": "NG",
"phoneNumber": "+2349134902345",
"addressLineOne": "100 Herbert macaulay way",
"addressLineTwo": ""
"authorization": {
"fundingSourceType": "settlement-account",
"webhook": "wh.2tXPfsNc6CoZjbRWi",
"settlementAccount": "acct.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"feesAccount": "acct.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"timeoutDefault": "decline"
"status": "new",
"createdAt": "2023-03-17T00:39:22.589Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-17T00:39:22.589Z",
"id": "c.prg.2tY3gamDwgZfxnKHS",
"object": "card.program"

Creating a Virtual Card programme

Virtual card programmes are live immediately they are created.

Sample Request
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"name": "string",
"network": "mastercard",
"type": "virtual",
"currency": "NGN",
"authorization": {
"fundingSourceType": "settlement-account",
"settlementAccount": {},
"transactionFee": {},
"webhook": {},
"timeoutDefault": "decline"
Request Body parameterRequired?Description
nameYesA unique name identifier for your card program. It should be a string.
networkYesThe card network for cards within the program. Allawee currently supports issuing verve and mastercard cards.
typeYesThis parameter specifies whether the cards within the program should be virtual or physical cards.
currencyYesThe currency for the cards within the program. Allawee currently supports issuing NGN and USD cards.
authorizationNoThis should be present for physical cards. The authorization parameter determines important information such as the card’s funding source, which may be card-account or settlement-account. It also determines the authorization timeout default action which may be approve or decline.
Sample Success Response
"code": "success",
"data": {
"name": "Card program",
"network": "mastercard",
"currency": "NGN",
"authorization": {
"fundingSourceType": "settlement-account",
"webhook": "wh.2tXPfsNc6CoZjbRWi",
"settlementAccount": "acct.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"feesAccount": "acct.2tVZczWw7m6Teoeb7",
"timeoutDefault": "decline"
"status": "new",
"createdAt": "2023-03-17T00:39:22.589Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-03-17T00:39:22.589Z",
"id": "c.prg.2tY3gamDwgZfxnKHS",
"object": "card.program"